Category: Relocation

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With more than 250 days of sunshine per year, you can literally enjoy a Mediterranean climate all year round in Greece.


Oikogenia - Patris kai Thriskia
Proud, warm-hearted, traditional, and extremely sociable. They love their country, their family, music, dances, and food. The Greek way of life is strongly influenced by tradition, culture, and the Greek Orthodox Church.ESSEN


The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world. Fresh ingredients, especially the high-quality olive oil used in large quantities, make the dishes both deliciously wholesome and healthy.

With an average cost of living that is at least 20-50% lower than the Central European average, Greece proves to be an affordable destination. The less of a tourist hotspot, the lower the cost of living.

The Greeks have earned a unique reputation for hospitality and generosity. Filoxenie – a love for strangers – will make you feel immediately at home here.

As one of the oldest, most influential, and diverse cultures, Greece is the product of cultural and political encounters, a convergence of ideas, customs, knowledge, and peoples in Southern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean since antiquity. Familiarizing yourself with its key traits will make your arrival in Greece easier.

    Arbeiten in Griechenland

    The so-called "remote working," which involves working over cloud systems on the internet, has seen a significant rise in recent years.

    Digital nomads typically work on the go and can perform their tasks independently of a fixed workplace, thanks to the internet.

    Some European countries have recognized this new trend and offer very attractive incentives if you relocate.

    Greece has two programs designed to attract digital nomads. The application forms are only available in Greek, but we are happy to handle this for you!

    1. 50% Income Tax Reduction

    Active since the beginning of 2021, this program offers a 50% income tax reduction for a period of 7 years, but only for certain nationalities and with a commitment to reside in Greece for at least 2 years.

    - Not a tax resident of Greece in the last five out of six years.
    - Available for EU/EEA citizens or citizens from a state that has an administrative cooperation agreement with Greece in the tax area.
    - 50% reduction in income tax and social security contributions. The top tax rate, which would normally be 44% for earnings over 40,000 EUR, is reduced to 22%.
    - Exemption from property tax (real estate transfer tax for the first residential property) and private car use (motor vehicle tax).

             2. Digital Nomads Visa

    Since early October 2021, Greece has introduced the "Digital Nomads Visa" for non-EU/EEA citizens (Law 4825/2021). This allows you to work in Greece for a foreign employer or your own company based abroad.

    Legislation: 5038/2023, Article 68, Paragraph 4 and Article 12, Paragraph 7
    Submission: To the Decentralized Administration based on residence
    Age: Adult
    Duration: Up to two years
    Work: No right to access employment
    Fee: €1000

    Required Documents:

    1. (*) A copy of a valid passport or travel document recognized by our country.
    2. (*) National visa (VISA D) category Z1 or Uniform Visa or admission under a visa exemption regime.
    3. (*) Insurance policy from a private insurance provider.
    4. (*) A Declaration of Intent stating the applicant’s intention to reside in the country for remote work and a commitment not to provide any work, services, or projects to an employer based in Greece.
    5. (*) Employment contract or proof of employment relationship with an employer, natural or legal person, based outside the Greek territory. The contract should be either open-ended or, in the case of a fixed-term contract, have a remaining duration that covers the requested residence permit period. Additionally, details showing the applicant’s role in the company and the ability to perform work using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) outside of Greece are required. If the applicant is self-employed, more than one (1) contract is required. The details must include the company’s name, headquarters, field of activity, corporate purpose, and its active and current operation outside the Greek territory. These details may include registration in a service equivalent to the General Commercial Registry (GEMI) in the country where the company is based, information from the company’s website, or other public sources. If the third-country national applicant is self-employed in their own company, details about their role in the company, as well as details regarding the company’s name, headquarters, field of activity, and corporate purpose outside the Greek territory are required. These details should particularly include registration in a service equivalent to the General Commercial Registry (GEMI) in the country where the company is based, information from the company’s website, or other public sources.
    6. (*) Proof that the applicant has sufficient resources, in terms of stable income, to cover living expenses during their stay in the country without burdening the national welfare system. The amount of sufficient resources is set at three and a half thousand (3,500) euros per month and is proven by: a) the employment contract or proof of employment relationship, in the case of dependent employment, services, or projects; or b) a bank account statement. If sufficient resources come from salaried services of dependent employment, services, or projects, the above minimum amount refers to net income after the payment of required taxes in the country where the work is provided. This amount increases by twenty percent (20%) for a spouse or partner and by fifteen percent (15%) for each child.
    7. (*) Accommodation details, which may include either a rental agreement, a property purchase contract, or a usage agreement.

    These programs make relocating to Greece economically attractive. But does the infrastructure support digital work?

    The internet connection in larger cities and even in rural, touristy areas is generally fast, but on smaller islands and in remote regions, it is significantly slower.

    Greece offers everything digital nomads love: space and freedom, reasonable living costs, plenty of sunshine, good food, decent internet speed, rich history, and culture.

    With the Digital Nomads Visa, Greece wants to convey the message: "We warmly welcome you!"

    Co-working spaces can be easily researched online.

    We also offer this service in Pylarinoy 66 , Korinthos in the Peloponnese, and we would be delighted to welcome you.


    Ruhestand in Griechenland

      There are many compelling reasons to spend a fulfilling retirement in Greece. Affordable living costs, a healthy Mediterranean climate, and an open Greek hospitality culture, along with excellent healthy cuisine, rich culture, and history, make it a magnet for expatriates. The recently announced tax benefits for foreign retirees, which we will discuss in more detail later, make the most beautiful country in the Mediterranean extremely attractive.


    Peloponnes, Korinth

    Greece consists of 80% mainland, with the remaining area made up of more than 3,000 islands, though not all are inhabited. Both landmasses are largely well-developed. Many expatriates seek proximity to major cities, and the Peloponnese region is particularly attractive due to its closeness to the capital, Athens. This provides short distances to good medical care, airports (Athens, Kalamata), and eliminates the need for ferry connections, which can be limited outside the tourist season for popular island visits.

    Famous names on the Peloponnese, such as Nafplio (the former capital of Greece), the cultural cities of Mycenae, Epidaurus, Sparta, or the island of Pylos, add to the appeal of choosing the Peloponnese as a preferred region. Away from tourist hotspots, you can still find secluded beaches, breathtaking nature, olive groves, flocks of goats and sheep, and tiny mountain villages.


    Cost of Living

    With around 1000-1500 EUR per month, depending on the region and lifestyle, you can live comfortably in the Peloponnese. On average, living costs are about 50% lower than in Central European countries. The choice of location understandably affects the costs incurred.


    Europeans can easily enter Greece with an ID card or passport. For third-country nationals, special visas are required, and we can offer personalized advice on this matter. If you wish to stay long-term, a residence permit must be applied for after three months. This is usually done at the local police station or immigration office. To obtain the residence permit, proof of sufficient financial means (tax returns, pension statements, private assets, etc.) is required. Initially, a yellow residence card is issued, and after five years, a blue permanent residence card is granted.

    Health Insurance

    Public Insurance: Within the EU, there is a social security agreement among member countries. This offers the following advantages: European retirees wishing to live permanently in Greece must apply for health benefits abroad through their health insurance, but they remain insured with their original provider. Once approved, foreign retirees receive the same free health benefits as locals.

    Private Insurance: German retirees with private insurance who wish to live in Greece should discuss this with their private insurer.

    Government Employees: The situation regarding health coverage is different for pensioners. For details, consult the relevant authority in your state.

    Healthcare quality is generally ensured across Greece. Pharmacies are abundant, even in the smallest villages, and are marked by a green cross. Medications are generally cheaper in Greece.


    Pension Payment

    • A German pension can be transferred seamlessly to a Greek bank account. As part of the SEPA zone within the EU, transfers from Germany to Greece take the same amount of time as domestic transfers. You can also keep your pension payments in Germany.

      Paying bills such as rent, electricity, and insurance is possible with a German bank account. There are many ATMs (even in areas without a bank branch), ensuring reliable access to cash.

      For those who want a more affordable account in Greece, a German online bank can offer an account with German deposit insurance if you have a residence in Greece. We can provide more detailed advice on this.

    Under the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA), Greece is entitled to tax statutory pensions from Germany if your primary residence is in Greece. However, for civil service pensions from public funds of the Federal Republic of Germany, Germany retains the taxation rights.

    DBA Greece Article XII:
    (1) Pensions and annuities (excluding those mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3) received by a resident of one contracting state from sources within the other contracting state may only be taxed in the first-mentioned state.
    (2) Pensions and annuities paid from public funds of the Kingdom of Greece or its subdivisions may only be taxed in Greece.
    (3) Pensions and annuities paid from public funds of the Federal Republic of Germany or its subdivisions may only be taxed in Germany.

    In 2020, Greece introduced a flat tax rate for foreign retirees. This law allows retirees who relocate their tax residence to Greece to enjoy a flat income tax rate of only 7% for 15 years. A stipulation is that retirees should not have been tax residents in Greece for five of the past six years. The law targets new immigrants, not retirees already living in Greece.

    Retirees with a small pension in Germany should carefully consider whether relocating for tax reasons is worthwhile. In Germany, for example, there is a tax-free allowance, which in 2021 stood at 9,744 EUR for singles and 19,488 EUR for married couples. If your gross pension is below this amount, no taxes are due in Germany. Therefore, wealthy retirees are more likely to benefit from Greece's "Happy Retirement Program," which applies to all income, including rental income and dividends.

    Moving to Greece is worthwhile as it is one of the most affordable countries in the European Union. The We Love Greece Consulting team is happy to assist you with all aspects of your relocation and help you settle harmoniously in Greece.

    Die Wahl der Unterkunft: MIETE

    Outside major cities like Athens and Thessaloniki, high-rise residential buildings are rare, and industrial structures are usually located in peripheral areas. Living in smaller towns and rural areas is often more attractive to many people.

    The housing market can be challenging due to limited availability. Rental prices, like in other European countries, depend on the popularity of the city districts.

    There is no official rent index, such as in Germany, and rent prices are set freely by landlords. However, compared to other Western European countries, rent levels in Greece are relatively low, making it an affordable place to live.

    The security deposit is legally set at two months' rent, but the landlord does not have to keep it in a separate account (trust account). It is common practice to not pay rent for the last two months before moving out to effectively "retrieve" the previously paid deposit, as one cannot always be sure that the landlord will return it upon departure.

    In general, the rental property must be returned in the same condition it was in when taken over.

    Similar to German rental law, Greek law allows for private autonomy. Landlords and tenants can generally draft rental agreements freely. However, Greek law has several specificities regarding rental contracts.

    According to Law 1703/1987, leases are valid for a minimum of three years, even if the agreement is for a shorter period or for an indefinite term. A lease term of less than three years can be agreed upon due to private autonomy, with the background being tenant protection.

    A landlord can only terminate long-term leases under very limited circumstances (e.g., for personal use).

    Permissible rent increases are set by the National Statistical Service of Greece (Εθνική Στατιστική Υπηρεσία της Ελλάδος) and are based on current living costs. Of course, rent increases can also be individually negotiated within the framework of rental agreements.

    If you are interested in a rental property, we look forward to advising you successfully.

    We Love Greece Consulting

    Die Wahl der Unterkunft: KAUF

    Before purchasing a property in Greece, you should be clear about your reasons for buying. Is it a vacation home, a second residence, or a retirement property? Buying real estate abroad can be an excellent investment. Property prices in Greece are still quite low and have only moderately recovered after the ten-year catastrophic economic crisis.

    Once you've found a house, the property must be thoroughly examined and assessed.

    A lawyer should check the land registry entries to ensure that there are no third-party rights attached to the property (debts, inheritance issues, etc.) or that the property is generally available for purchase (e.g., no building permit).

    For instance, trees located on the property may belong to another owner, requiring you to grant them lifelong access rights.

    It is highly recommended to also involve a civil engineer who can inspect the property and check for any construction defects.

    EU citizens face no restrictions when purchasing property in Greece, except in border areas where a permit from the local authorities is required (this is typically granted automatically).

    Non-EU citizens face various restrictions for security reasons when buying property in certain regions, including border areas on the mainland and the islands of Lesbos, Chios, and Samos. Special permits are possible but entail a very high bureaucratic burden, significant costs, and long waiting times, making it practically impossible in most cases.


    We Love Greece Consulting

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